Session 3: Parliamentary Debate Styles
14 Sep 2019 — By Mr. Joshua Puckett — GPA Center
- Argument: fight for ego
- Debate: fight for victory
- Dialectic: fight for truth
I. Parliamentary Debate Styles:
1. British Parliamentary
- 5–7 minutes speeches
- Government (Affirmative)
- Opposition (Negative
- 4 Teams
- Uses Points of Information
2. American Parliamentary
- Time vary
- Proposition (Affirmative)
- Opposition (Negative)
- 2 teams
- Point of information/ Order/ Personal Privilege
3. World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Parliamentary
- 4 minutes a Speaker
- 15 minutes Prep Time
- Negative/ Affirmative
- 2 Team/ 3 peoples
4. Team debate
- 5 minutes to prepare
- Each team member speaks for 2 minutes
- Judgment 1–4 on Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric
II. Class activities:
- Controversial topics:
- Vietnam′s dog meat culture
- Stealing goods from the store
- Eating shark fin in Chinese Culture
- Intensive animal farming: fish, cattle, poultry…
- Chink slave
- Wage slave
- Thich Quang Duc burn himself
- Is Hong Kong a country?
- Is Taiwan a country?
- Culture of Vietnam vs US
- Is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs still relevant in the 21st century?
2. Two Pitfalls in an argument
- Ad Hominem (attack): “to a man” from ad “to” and hominem, accusative of homo “man”
- Strawman (argument): “Strawman” from straw and man
3. Socratic circle — team debate:
- THBT (The House believe that) allow children over 13 to Vape
- THBT Smart Phones should be banned in citywide.
- THW (This House Would) vote for the Presidential Incumbent 2020.
*Remember: Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric
* If you find it hard to understand, this is Vietnamese version:
Message: Remember our vocabulary discussions in class, especially around the word “monopoly”. I have pasted the definition from my favorite (old) dictionary below. Please think about this article thoroughly and be prepared to offer some insight or reflection on what the article made you think. Find a list of questions below you should ask yourself to be prepared to offer your own opinions in class.
- What is the tone* of the author in the title?
*Tone, in a piece of writing, is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words, or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject. - Why was this article written?
- Do you agree with Mr. Alexander Vuving?
- Do you agree with Ms, Le Thi Thu Thuy?
- Have you ever heard “To Big To Fail”? What does it mean?
- Who else do you think uses “Social Listening?”
MONOP’OLY, noun [Latin monopolium.] The sole power of vending any species of goods, obtained either by engrossing the articles in market by purchase, or by a license from the government confirming this privilege. Thus the East India Company in Great Britain has a monopoly of the trade to the East Indies, granted to them by charter. Monopolies by individuals obtained by engrossing, are an offense prohibited by law. But a man has by natural right the exclusive power of vending his own produce or manufactures, and to retain that exclusive right is not a monopoly within the meaning of law.